尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

Beverly Koo Partner
Capital Markets | PE/VC, M&A Regulatory and Compliance
+852 2253 2728 beverly.koo@kzmmt.com Hong Kong

Beverly Koo specialises in HK capital markets, investment and M&A, corporate compliance, and general corporate/commercial transactions.


Prior to joining M&T, Beverly practiced law for many years with leading US law firms including Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, and Paul Hastings LLP.


Beverly Koo specializes in capital markets, investment, financing, mergers and acquisitions, and government regulation and compliance, handling a large number of Hong Kong and overseas listing projects, post-listing financing, listing and corporate compliance (including securities regulation and ongoing compliance matters of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange), investment and financing (including Hong Kong and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, acquisitions, and corporate restructuring by listed companies and private enterprises), project cooperation, sales and purchases, and other projects. Attorney Gu has also served as a lecturer for finance and regulation courses in the PCLL program at City University of Hong Kong. Before becoming a practicing lawyer, Attorney Gu managed a French winery business and worked at Morgan Stanley.

Capital Markets 所有加粗公司名称已二次确认
  • 代表建银国际金融作为保荐人和承销商香港律师,参与三巽控股集團有限公司(总部位于上海、植根安徽省、布局长三角地区的住宅物业房地产开发商)于香港联交所主板进行首次公开发行(包括根据S条例的国际配售)。Acted as Hong Kong legal counsel for CCB International Finance, as the sponsor and underwriter, in the initial public offering (including international placement under Rule S) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited for Sanxun Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (a residential property real estate developer headquartered in Shanghai, rooted in Anhui Province, and laid out in the Yangtze River Delta region).
  • 代表中国光大融资作为保荐人和承销商香港律师,参与淮北绿金产业投资股份有限公司(安徽省淮北市一家具备国资背景的建筑材料供货商)于香港联交所主板进行首次公开发行(包括根据S条例的国际配售)。Acted as Hong Kong legal counsel for China Everbright Finance, as the sponsor and underwriter, in the initial public offering (including international placement under Rule S) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited for Huaibei GreenGold Industry Investment Co., Ltd. (a state-owned background building materials supplier in Huaibei City, Anhui Province).
  • 代表中宝新材集团有限公司(在中国东北制造生物降解塑料产品的生产商)在香港联交所主板上市项目作为其香港律师提供法律服务Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for China Treasures New Materials Group Ltd. (a producer of biodegradable plastic products in Northeast China) in its listing project on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
  • 代表首沣控股有限公司(香港宴会市场的第三大全面服务式中式酒楼集团)于香港联交所主板进行总额达1,920万美元的首次公开发行(包括根据S条例的国际配售)作为其香港律师提供法律服务Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for Welife Technology Limited (the third largest full-service Chinese banquet restaurant group in the Hong Kong catering market) in its initial public offering (including international placement under Rule S) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$19.2 million.
  • 作为福莱特玻璃集团 (全球及中国最大的光伏玻璃制造商)的香港法律顾问, 为福莱特玻璃集团在上海交易所进行的A 股首次公开发行提供有关A 股发行的香港法律意见, 集资金额为3,700万美元。Acted as Hong Kong legal advisor for Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd. (the world's and China's largest photovoltaic glass manufacturer) in its A-share initial public offering on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, with a fundraising amount of US$37 million.
  • 代表其利工业集团有限公司(全球知名品牌设计、开发及制造休闲包及背包, 并提供优质供应链管理服务的领先制造商)于香港联交所主板进行总额达3,200万美元的首次公开发行(包括根据S条例的国际配售)作为其香港律师提供法律服务。Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for Prosperous Industrial (Holdings) Limited (a leading global manufacturer of leisure bags and backpacks, known for brand design, development, and quality supply chain management services) in its initial public offering (including international placement under Rule S) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$32 million.
  • 代表LHN Limited(总部设于新加坡的房地产管理及物流服务集团)于香港联交所主板进行总额达1,030万美元的公开发行(包括根据S条例的国际配售)作为其香港律师提供法律服务。其股份在香港联交所主板上市后为香港联交所主板以及新交所凯利版双重上市公司。Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for LHN Limited (a Singapore-based real estate management and logistics services group) in its public offering (including international placement under Rule S) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$10.3 million. After the listing of its shares on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the company became a dual-listed company on both the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and the Catalist Board of Singapore Exchange.
  • 代表富达金融作为保荐人和承销商香港律师,参与TOMO Holdings Limited  (主要于新加坡从事乘用车皮革内饰业务及电子配件业务)于香港联交所创业板进行总额达 1,050万美元的首次公开发行。Acted as Hong Kong legal counsel for Fidelity Finance, as the sponsor and underwriter, in the initial public offering of TOMO Holdings Limited (primarily engaged in the passenger car leather interior business and electronic accessories business in Singapore) on the GEM Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$10.5 million.
  • 代表独家保荐人信达国际作为保荐人和承销商香港律师,参与香港膳源控股有限公司(香港最大的越式餐厅经营商)于香港联交所主板进行总额达1,290万美元的首次公开发行(包括根据美国144A规则和S条例的国际配售)。Acted as Hong Kong legal counsel for the exclusive sponsor Cinda International, as the sponsor and underwriter, in the initial public offering of Food Wise Holdings Limited (the largest Vietnamese restaurant operator in Hong Kong) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$12.9 million (including international placement under Rule 144A and Regulation S of the United States).
  • 代表成实外教育有限公司(中国西南地区最大的学前教育至十二年级民办教育服务提供商)于香港联交所主板进行总额达2.59亿美元的首次公开发行(包括根据美国144A规则和S条例的国际配售)作为其香港律师提供法律服务。Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for Virscend Education Company Limited (the largest private education service provider from preschool to grade 12 in Southwest China) in its initial public offering (including international placement under Rule 144A and Regulation S of the United States) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$259 million.
  • 代表福莱特玻璃集团股份有限公司(全球及中国最大的光伏玻璃制造商)于香港联交所主板进行总额达1.22亿美元的H股首次公开发行作为其香港律师提供法律服务。Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd. (the world's and China's largest photovoltaic glass manufacturer) in its H-share initial public offering on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$122 million.
  • 代表保荐人天达融资亚洲有限公司作为保荐人香港律师,参与于香港上市的中国汽车零件生产商京西重工国际有限公司被视作新上市申请之反收购项目。该反收购项目涉及京西重工国际有限公司以9.97亿港元向母公    司对BWI Europe及其子公司进行非常重大收购Acted as Hong Kong legal counsel for the sponsor Tianda Finance Asia Limited, as the sponsor, in the reverse takeover project of BeijingWest Industries International Limited, a Hong Kong-listed Chinese auto parts manufacturer, which was considered a new listing application. The reverse takeover project involved a very substantial acquisition by BeijingWest Industries International Limited of BWI Europe and its subsidiaries from its parent company for HK$997 million.
  • 代表依波路控股有限公司(历史最悠久的瑞士名表制造商之一)于香港联交所主板进行总额达2,550万美元的首次公开发行作为其香港律师提供法律服务。Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for Ernest Borel Holdings Limited (one of the oldest Swiss watch manufacturers) in its initial public offering on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$25.5 million.
  • 代表联席保荐人中银国际和申银万国融资作为保荐人和承销商香港律师,参与中国一家领先的金融卡、卡片个人化服务及现场发卡系统解决方案提供商金邦达宝嘉控股有限公司于香港联交所主板进行总额达1.59亿美元的首次公开发行。Acted as Hong Kong legal counsel for the joint sponsors BOC International and Industrial Securities as sponsors and underwriters, in the initial public offering of Goldpac Group Limited (a leading Chinese provider of financial card, card personalization services, and on-site card issuance system solutions) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$159 million.
  • 代表英达公路再生科技(集团)有限公司(中国一家沥青路面养护服务提供商)于香港联交所主板进行总额达9,340万美元的首次公开发行作为其香港律师提供法律服务。Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for Freetech Road Recycling Technology (Holdings) Limited (a Chinese asphalt pavement maintenance service provider) in its initial public offering on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$93.4 million.
  • 代表保荐人信达国际作为保荐人和承销商香港律师,参与一家领先的服装供应链服务供应商迅捷环球控股有限公司于香港联交所主板进行总额达1,580万美元的首次公开发行。Acted as Hong Kong legal counsel for the sponsor Cinda International, as the sponsor and underwriter, in the initial public offering of Speedy Global Holdings Limited (a leading apparel supply chain service provider) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$15.8 million.
  • 代表华众车载控股有限公司(前称为华众控股有限公司,中国汽车车身零件的主要供应商之一)于香港联交所主板进行总额达3,600万美元的首次公开发行作为其香港律师提供法律服务。Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for Huazhong In-Vehicle Holdings Company Limited (formerly known as Huazhong Holdings Limited, one of the main suppliers of automotive body parts in China) in its initial public offering on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$36 million.
  • 代表保荐人建银国际作为保荐人和承销商香港律师,参与中国天伦燃气控股有限公司(一家中国管道燃气运营商)于香港联交所主板进行总额达6,050万美元的首次公开发行。Acted as Hong Kong legal counsel for the sponsor CCB International, as the sponsor and underwriter, in the initial public offering of Tian Lun Gas Holdings Limited (a Chinese pipeline gas operator) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$60.5 million.
  • 代表优源国际控股有限公司(中国领先的包装纸制造商)于香港联交所主板进行总额达8,300万美元的首次公开发行 (包括根据美国144A规则和S条例的国际配售)作为其香港律师提供法律服务。Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for Youyuan International Holdings Limited (a leading Chinese packaging paper manufacturer) in its initial public offering (including international placement under Rule 144A and Regulation S of the United States) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$83 million.
  • 代表中集安瑞科控股有限公司(主要从事制造能源、化工、流质食品行业的运输、加工和存储设备的国际企业)进行非常重大的收购、清洗豁免申请、反向收购及重新上市申请等事宜作为其香港律师提供法律服务。Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for Cimc Enric Holdings Ltd. (an international company mainly engaged in the manufacturing of transportation, processing, and storage equipment for the energy, chemical, and liquid food industries) in matters including very substantial acquisitions, clean waiver applications, reverse takeovers, and re-listing applications.
  • 代表中骏置业控股有限公司(中国一家高端住宅房地产开发商)于香港联交所主板进行总额达2亿美元的首次公开发行(包括根据美国144A规则和S条例的国际配售)作为其香港律师提供法律服务。Provided legal services as Hong Kong legal counsel for China SCE Group Holdings Limited (a high-end residential real estate developer in China) in its initial public offering (including international placement under Rule 144A and Regulation S of the United States) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$200 million.
  • 代表承销商花旗、摩根士丹利和瑞银作为保荐人和承销商香港律师,参与龙湖地产有限公司于香港联交所主板进行总额达10.45亿美元的首次公开发行(包括根据美国144A规则和S条例的国际配售)。Acted as Hong Kong legal counsel for the underwriters Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and UBS, as sponsors and underwriters, in the initial public offering of Longfor Group Holdings Limited (a Hong Kong-listed real estate company) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with a total amount of US$1.045 billion (including international placement under Rule 144A and Regulation S of the United States).
M&A 所有公司名已二次确认
  • 代表红杉资本入股国际潮流电商SSENSE  Represented Sequoia Capital in its investment in SSENSE, an international trend e-commerce platform.
  • 代表新加坡LHN Limited 投资/收购新加坡、柬埔寨和其他东南亚国家接近20个不同的房地产或物流项目Represented LHN Limited of Singapore in investing in/acquiring nearly 20 different real estate or logistics projects in Singapore, Cambodia, and other Southeast Asian countries.
  • 代表乐游科技控股有限公司收购Digital Extremes(加拿大一家多平台视频游戏开发商)。Represented Leyou Technologies Holdings Limited in its acquisition of Digital Extremes, a multi-platform video game developer in Canada.
  • 代表Profit Shine Holdings Limited(新加坡上市公司西敏旅行社有限公司的子公司)以7,900万港元向通济隆控股(香港)有限公司收购通济隆(香港)有限公司之全部已发行。Represented Profit Shine Holdings Limited (a subsidiary of Westminster Travel Service Limited, a Singapore-listed company) in the acquisition of all issued shares of Tongjilong (Hong Kong) Limited from Tongjilong Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited for HK$79 million.
  • PCLL,City University of Hong Kong
  • LL.B.,City University of Hong Kong
  • BCom (Finance & Accounting), McGill University, Canada

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